Monday, 18 October 2010

Logo Design Evaluation

For the company design I have decided to have Bucket Head as my title and a man wearing a bucket as my logo image. We thought it would be fit for purpose as it reflects the identity of the companies name. Also, It is similar to the band we are working on our music video with as they all wear masks and it shows a bit of mystery to their true identity like the band does. Also the colours fit the genre of music we are working on.
I wouldn't change a lot if I could as I like the logo as it adds a bit of comedy element, links with the genre and band and it is a rememberable image so people will remember our company. I have also put .com on the end of my production as it lets the audience know what the website will be called and notifying them that the company can only be found on the internet.
The target audience is 18 years + so this logo and company name reflects this age group as they enjoy jokes and strange things so it helps them with remembering the logo and company - Bucket Head

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